Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Outing to the Peranakan museum!

Often, designers draw inspiration from the things around them. They can be nature, architecture, works of art, literary works, people around them, and many more. In fact, inspiration can be found just about anywhere, even at a museum!

This trip to the Peranakan Museum was simply awe-inspiring, and I truly enjoyed myself. Though it was not my first time visiting the museum, this experience was enriching all the same.  I had fun learning about the rich culture of the Peranakans, as I found out more about this unique group of people. After watching the Channel 8 drama 'The Little Nyonya', a show about a Peranakan family, I have always thought that all Peranakans were Chinese.
But after my visit, I learnt that that there are other groups of Peranakans as well, such as the Peranakan Indians and Jawi Peranakans. What an eye-opener!

Many may think that museums are mundane places, but not for this museum! With interactive exhibits and informative displays, it was interesting discovering about the lives of the Peranakans. Well, it didn't feel like as though I was in a museum. In fact, it felt like I have stepped into a whole new world of Peranakans!

Let the pictures do the talking (:

Tableware seen in a typical Peranakan household.

Beautiful artwork on display.

A wedding ceremony
Living room of a peranakan house
Just look at the intricate design on this cabinet!
Porcelain ware owned by them.

Clothes owned by Peranakan women.

Of course, outings are never boring with my beloved class! I must say that we had a fabulous time together. Would I want to visit the Peranakan museum again? Definitely.