Sunday, 19 January 2014

My thoughts on Visual Communication.

Since it is nearing the end of year one, I shall share about my sentiments about Visual Communication. If you read about my first post about my initial impressions about VC, you will discover that I actually thought that the whole module was about drawing and creating designs. However, I have learnt that it is all about communicating ideas and thoughts through visuals. It is undeniably a powerful medium, for it can reach out to people of different demographics and nationalities. Most of the time, images are universally understood and recognised, such as the McDonalds logo.

This relates to my experience travelling to various cities in the different continents in the world. When I went to Cape Town, South Africa, I originally thought that it was an impoverished country, and people would not know of the fast food chain. Little did I know that not only it was (and still is) a bustling city, everyone we asked knew of its existence. In fact, the McDonald's sign was seen nearly everywhere we went.

It was the same when I went to an obscure part of a city in China. The houses were dilapidated, and most homes did not have any internet access. The last thing one would expect would be people knowing of the existence of the chain, but many I asked knew of it. In fact, they associated the fast food restaurant with it's golden arches logo.

This just illustrates how impactful one visual can be, and how VC can connect people. I am really glad to have the opportunity to take VC, for it has opened up my world. In the past, I would just take a sweeping glance at the things around me, such as advertisements and works of art.
However, I will look at them closely, and it is just amazing what I can unearth. From the placing of text and images to how the visuals was designed, they are all visual communication principles at play, creating an impeccable work.

Indeed, VC has taught me to appreciate the most minute details, for when they come together, they tell a compelling story.

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